
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

California - High Tech

Hi-Technologies in calciumThe article Hi-Tech Voting Is Banned in atomic number 20 by John Schwarz discusses reasons and arguments why it is better to relegate high-tech voting systems in calcium . The article presents both(prenominal) arguments of proponents and opponents of the controversial egression . Schwarz reports that practice session of just about 1 ,500 electronic voting machines designed by Diebold is criminalise in atomic number 20 beca handling of aims about system insecurity and out-of-the-way operation . They win t be used till measures to call forth systems atomic number 18 taken . therefore , Diebold should be charged because of fraudulent actions , as intimately as of nauseating behavior . The company is claimed to engage unsubstantial behavior to take after in California business sphereThe issu e whether to use electronic voting systems has become controversial and is salvage under literary argument . On the one hand , opponents claim that systems should be taboo as they ar insecure allowing hacking during the electoral movement which is unrealizable . Insecure systems make electoral process less logical and the losing side go away get a chance to battle results of elections . Moreover , credible reputation of California pull up stakes be also under attack . Opponents beseech that fraud and electoral f constabularys may remain undetected and , in such a way re-counting won t take beam . Credibility of results will be doubtfulThe director of marketing in Diebold doesn t agree with accusations suss out Radke argues that they are confident in their technologies and benefits . whence , they are sledding to check everything to help successful elections in California . The California secretary of state Mr . Shelley , says that the company has jeopardized the s ubject of the elections as grand of voters ! in San Diego were non provided with opportunity to consider polling dwelling houses because of go of electronic voting systems .
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The president of Diebold defends his company claiming they are not idiots , although he admits that their systems may sprains not as the smartest from m to time , as they are not Gods and , Diebold is accused of breaking law of state elections as they select installed insecure software on machines . Moreover , it is revealed that the company has installed software which is not tested at the federal level . Therefore , machines known as AccuVote TSX are banned from usingActually , AccuVote TSC were uses in Solano , furnish , San Diego and San Joaquin counties . Now they have to use older technologies - optical voter turnout scanning - and voters must mark ballots by hand . It is recommended to use touch-screen voting machines in elections till verification process takes place . However , these systems will be also banned of counties bear t upgrade their reliableness and security . Mr Shelley reports that machines in ten counties are closed explaining that such steps are necessary . The remainder is assumed to ratio trying to make this election work in those 10 counties with improving voter confidence (p .13Mr . Shelley asked hi-tech voting machines to pay off a receipt and claims for seeking unseasoned ways how to rush along up preparation for elections Schwarz writes that the number of opponents is emergence . For example , a voters group...If you want to get a in effect(p) essay, order it on our website: O rderCustomPaper.com

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